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Orange Crush Football Boosters Club     

The Orange Crush Football Boosters Club took its inception in 1987 as a non-profit organization. Head coach Ed Glass recommended the creation of the organization. He felt a parent based boosters club would provide better lines of communication between the coaches and parents. Subsequently, Dave Tate was chosen as the first acting president of the Orange Crush Boosters Club.

Mission Statement

Most noteworthy is our mission statement to sponsor projects and/or activities that are deemed by the membership to be in the best interest of the North Canton City Schools Football Program. Furthermore, it is understood that there will be no personal gain resulting from this membership.

Please Join the North Canton Hoover Orange Crush Football Boosters Club Today. In doing so, your membership will help make it possible for student-athletes to experience the excitement associated with Hoover football. 


On the second Monday of every month, the Orange Crush Football Boosters Club meets at the North Canton Hoover High School in the library at 7:00 pm. All Hoover supporters are welcome.


PO BOX 3001 North Canton, OH 44720

Orange Crush Football Boosters Club